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Puerto Rico is a stunning island with a diverse marine ecosystem​ that requires our utmost attention. As the leaders of marine conservation efforts, GRF works tirelessly to safeguard these vital ecosystems against the challenges that threaten them. Join us in our mission to protect and preserve the natural beauty of Puerto Rico's marine life.

Bulldozer on the Beach


Costal Development

Rapid urbanization and coastal development can lead to habitat loss, alteration of natural shoreline dynamics, and increased pollution from runoff. Infrastructure projects and tourism-related developments may disrupt natural coastal processes and contribute to habitat degradation.



Pollution from various sources, including industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, and urban areas, poses a significant threat. Contaminants such as oil, chemicals, plastics, and nutrients can degrade water quality, harm marine life, and impact the overall health of coastal ecosystems.

Sea Pollution
Coral Reef Island


Coral Bleaching

Rising sea temperatures due to climate change can cause coral bleaching, a phenomenon where symbiotic algae living within corals are expelled, leading to coral stress and death. Coral reefs, such as those in Puerto Rico, are vulnerable to these temperature-induced stress events.



Overfishing, both legal and illegal, threatens the balance of marine ecosystems. Depleting fish populations can disrupt food webs, negatively impacting other marine species and reducing the overall health and resilience of the ecosystem.

Fishing in the Ocean


Invasive Species

The introduction of invasive species, whether intentional or unintentional, can disrupt native ecosystems. Invasive species may outcompete native flora and fauna, leading to changes in biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics.


Sea Level Rise

Rising sea levels, attributed to climate change, can result in coastal erosion and saltwater intrusion into freshwater habitats. This poses a threat to coastal vegetation, disrupts nesting sites for sea turtles, and affects the stability of coastal ecosystems.

Fishing village
Tropical Storm


Extreme Weather Events

Puerto Rico is susceptible to hurricanes and tropical storms. These events can cause significant damage to coastal habitats, disrupt nesting and feeding grounds for marine life, and contribute to the erosion of beaches and shorelines.


Beach Erosion

Beach Erosion has caused the government of Puerto Rico to issue a state of emergency . This is a problem throughout the island.

Plastic Polluted Ocean


Plastic Pollution

The pervasive issue of plastic pollution affects Puerto Rico's marine environment. Improper waste disposal and plastic debris can harm marine life through ingestion, entanglement, and the introduction of harmful chemicals into the ecosystem.


Seaweed of Sargazo

Beaches in Puerto Rico, including Palmas del Mar and Cabo Rojo, are being invaded by seaweed. This has caused the closure of beaches and created significant problems, including bad odors for the surrounding communities.

Seagull Walking
Climate Protest


Lack of Environmental Awareness

Insufficient awareness and education about the importance of marine conservation can lead to unsustainable practices among residents and visitors. Efforts to promote environmental literacy and sustainable behaviors are crucial for the long-term health of Puerto Rico's coastal ecosystems.


Resource Management and Enforcement

Inadequate enforcement of fishing regulations and resource management practices can result in the overexploitation of marine resources. Effective governance and conservation measures are essential for maintaining the sustainability of fisheries and protecting marine biodiversity.


Addressing these challenges requires collaborative efforts from government agencies, non-profit organizations, local communities, and the private sector to implement sustainable practices, raise awareness, and enact policies that prioritize the conservation of Puerto Rico's beaches, marine life, and waters.

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